

更新时间:2023-08-22 02:36:08

导读 大家好,我是小环,我来为大家解答以上问题。如果能再爱一次片尾曲,如果能再爱一次很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、我只有英...


1、我只有英文的 中文的很多地方都有 Ian:Can I ask a question? Samantha:Sure Ian:If for some reason you thoutght youdidn`t have a lot of time left..... Samantha:You mean today? Ian:No, I mean in life.If you had one day left,what would you do? Samantha:That`s an odd question. Ian:I`d just like to know. Samantha:Well,let`s see...my last day on earth. Shoe shopping.And eating ten hot fudge sundaes. And there`s that Calvin Klein underwear model. Might be fun to get to know him better. It`s an easy answer.A no-brainer. I`d spend it with you. Ian:Really? Samantha:Of course.Just being together. like now.Doing nothing. Ian:And that`s it? Nothing else? Samantha:A closeness.An intense closeness. Really sharing things with each other. silly things.difficul things. That`s what I`ve always wanted for us,and if we could have that...nothing could hurt us. Ian:I love you. Samantha:Good.。

