

更新时间:2023-10-09 12:34:15

导读 大家好,我是小环,我来为大家解答以上问题。阿隆戈登,along很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、alongadv.往前, 向前prep.顺着,...


1、along adv. 往前, 向前 prep. 顺着, 沿着 along a.long AHD:[…-lông“, …-l¼ng“] D.J.[*6l%80, *6l%0] K.K.[*6l%0, *6l$0] prep.(介词) Over the length of: 顺着: walked along the path. 顺着小路走 On a line or course parallel and close to; continuously beside: 纵长地,平行地:沿着一条近处的平行线或道路;并排连续的: rowed along the shore; the trees along the avenue. 沿着岸划船;沿街的树木 In accordance with: 根据: The committee split along party lines over the issue. 由于各自坚持自己政党的路线,委员会在这个问题上产生分歧 adv.(副词) Forward; onward: 向前;朝前: We drove along, admiring the view. Farther along, we passed a hitchhiker. 我们一边开车,一边观赏风景。

2、前面更远处,我们经过了一个要求搭便车的旅行者 As a companion: 作为伙伴: Bring your friend along. 带你的朋友一起来 In accompaniment or association; together: 陪伴,相关;一起: packed an atlas along with other books.See Usage Note at together 把地图册和其它书堆在一起参见 together With one; at hand: 在手边;随身: Luckily, I had my camera along. Our guests should be along soon. 很幸运,我随身带着照相机。

3、我们的客人马上就到 Informal Advanced to some degree: 【非正式用语】 到达相当程度: getting along in years. 上了年纪 Middle English 中古英语 from Old English andlang [extending opposite] 源自 古英语 andlang [向反方向延伸] and- [facing] * see ant- and- [面对] *参见 ant- lang [long] * see long 1 lang [长的] *参见 long1 along [E5lRN; (?@) E5lCN] prep. 沿着 We walked along the river. 我们沿着河走。

4、 along adv. 往前;向前 Let us walk along. 让我们往前走。

5、 共同;一起 I took my brother along. 我带着弟弟。

6、 all along 始终;一直 I knew the truth all along. 真情我始终是清楚的。

7、 along with 与…一道 Along with the letters there are answers written by people who are supposed to know how to solve such problems. 与这些读者来信一起还刊登对这些问题的回答,由那些被认为能够解决这些问题的人来撰写。

