

更新时间:2024-01-01 20:09:18

导读 大家好,我是小环,我来为大家解答以上问题。个人slow什么意思,slow什么意思很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、slow[slEu]adj....


1、slow [slEu] adj. 慢的, 迟钝的, 不活跃的, 缓慢的 v. (~ down)(使)慢下来, (使)减速, 减缓 adv. 缓慢 slow slow AHD:[sl½] D.J.[sl*&] K.K.[slo] adj.(形容词) slow.er,slow.est 缩写 sl. Not moving or able to move quickly; proceeding at a low speed: 慢的,缓慢的:移动不迅速的或不能迅速移动的;低速前进的: a slow train; slow walkers. 低速列车;走得很慢的步行者 Marked by a retarded tempo: 慢板的,慢拍的:以速度缓慢为特征的: a slow waltz. 慢板华尔兹舞 Taking or requiring a long time: 漫长的:花费很长一段时间的或需要很长一段时间的: the slow job of making bread. 制面包的慢工 Taking more time than is usual: 较慢的。

2、缓慢的:花费的时间比通常要长的: a slow worker; slow progress in the peace negotiations. 干活慢的工人;和平谈判中缓慢的进展 Registering a time or rate behind or below the correct one: (时钟)慢的:所显示的时间或速度落后于或低于正确的时间或速度的: a slow clock. 走得慢了的时钟 Lacking in promptness or willingness; not precipitate: 不急促的,和缓的:缺少果断或乐意的;不仓促的: They were slow to accept our invitation. 他们很勉强地接受了我们的邀请 Characterized by a low volume of sales or transactions: 不景气的:以少量的销售或交易为特征的: Business was slow today. 现在生意不景气 Lacking liveliness or interest; boring: 枯燥的,乏味的:缺少活力或兴趣的;乏味的: a slow party. 乏味的聚会 Not having or exhibiting intellectual or mental quickness: 迟缓的。

3、迟钝的:不具有或表现不出智力或精神上的迅速的: a slow learner. 迟钝的学习者 Only moderately warm; low: 温火的,慢热的:只是适度地温暖的;低的: a slow oven. 不太热的火炉 adv.(副词) slower,slowest So as to fall behind the correct time or rate: 慢地:(慢)以至于落后于正确的时间或速度: The watch runs slow. 这块表走得慢了 At a low speed: 低速地: Go slow! 慢慢地走! v.(动词)。

