更新时间:2024-02-20 19:04:22
1、trendy adj. -ier, -iest 时髦的,摩登的 词性变化 n. -ies 赶时髦的人,爱摩登的人 与 trendy 相关的例句 trendy ideas; trendy clothes; voguish terminology. 新潮的思想;新潮的衣服;时髦的术语学。
2、 The trendy rock group is only a flash-in-the-pan. 这个新潮摇滚乐队只是昙花一现。
3、 Trendy intellectuals, ie oneswho do not examine new ideas carefully 赶浪头的知识分子(盲目追求新思潮者) Look at that trendy couple - kitted up all the latest gear! 瞧那对时髦夫妇,打扮多么入时。
4、 Look at that trendy couple–kitted up in all the latest gear! 瞧这一对时髦人,穿的全是最新式服装! The trendy rock group was only a flash - in - the - pan. 这个新潮摇滚乐队只是昙花一现。
5、 The word “hip” means trendy and keeping up with the latest fashions. 所谓“hip”,是说赶得上潮流、赶得上时髦。
6、 The problem is more acute among boys, and Goverment strategists are looking at ways to make education trendy. 这个问题在男孩中间尤为突出,政府教育家们正在想方设法使教育赶上潮流。
7、 Trendy boutiques with designer names alternate with large fashion houses, famous jewellers and the select temples of the gourmet. 追求时髦的时装店以设计师的名字命名,与大型时装屋、著名珠宝商店和美食家们精挑细选的食品场所相映成趣。
8、 Drive?by hacking is the trendy term given to the practice of breaking into wireless computer networks from outside the buildings that house them. 过路黑客是时下流行术语,指的是黑客从楼外闯入楼内无线电脑网络。