

更新时间:2023-08-24 19:04:04

导读 大家好,我是小环,我来为大家解答以上问题。好听的英文姓氏女孩优雅,好听的英文姓氏很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、古老而...


1、古老而高贵的: 这是英国最主要的姓氏排名 Smith (1.15%) Jones (0.94%) Williams (0.66%) Taylor (0.53%) Brown (0.51%) Davies (0.48%) Evans (0.39%) Wilson (0.35%) 【贵族】 Thomas (0.35%) Johnson (0.34%) Roberts (0.33%) Robinson (0.29%) Thompson (0.28%) Wright (0.28%) Walker (0.27%) White (0.27%) Edwards (0.27%) 【贵族】 Hughes (0.26%) Green (0.25%) Hall (0.25%) Lewis (0.25%) Harris (0.25%) 【贵族】 Clarke (0.24%) Patel (0.24%) Jackson (0.24%) 下面是苏格兰的 Smith Brown Wilson 【贵族】 Campbell Stewart Thomson Robertson Anderson Macdonald Scott Reid Murray Taylor 【贵族】 Clark 【贵族】 Ross Watson Morrison Paterson Young Mitchell Walker Fraser Miller McDonald Gray Henderson Hamilton Johnston Duncan Graham Ferguson Kerr Davidson Bell Cameron 【贵族】 Kelly Martin Hunter Allan Mackenzie Grant Simpson MacKay 【贵族】 McLean 【贵族】 MacLeod 【贵族】 Black Russell Marshall Wallace Gibson 顺便发一下美利坚的 Smith (1.006% of the population) Johnson (0.810%) Williams (0.699%) Jones (0.621%) Brown (0.621%) Davis (0.580%) Miller (0.424%) Wilson (0.339%) Moore (0.312%) Taylor (0.311%) Anderson (0.311%) Thomas (0.311%) Jackson (0.310%) White (0.279%) Harris (0.275%) Martin (0.273%) Thompson (0.269%) Garcia (0.254%) Martinez (0.234%) Robinson (0.233%) Clark Rodriguez Lewis Lee Walker Hall Allen Young Hernandez King Wright Lopez Hill Scott Green Adams Baker Gonzalez Nelson Carter Mitchell Perez Roberts Turner Phillips Campbell Parker Evans Edwards Collins Stewart Sanchez Morris Rogers Reed Cook Morgan Bell Murphy Bailey Rivera Cooper Richardson Cox Howard Ward Torres Peterson Gray Ramirez James Watson Brooks Kelly Sanders Price Bennett Wood Barnes Ross Henderson Coleman Jenkins Perry Powell Long Patterson Hughes Flores Washington Butler Simmons Foster。

