

更新时间:2023-11-18 21:40:28

导读 大家好,我是小环,我来为大家解答以上问题。鼓励人们绿色出行英语,绿色出行英语很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、首先,特别...


1、首先,特别是在交通高峰期. So I think it’s time to promote the green travel at present,如果我们不走远。


3、这些旅行方式可以节约能源, I believe that we can improve the environment as well as our traffic conditi if we all choose the green travel,我们最好不要坐汽车,减少空气污染, people should be encouraged to choose the public transport。

4、第三. 私家车的增加带来了更多的在我们的城市更严重的空气污染和交通堵塞, first.They can also improve the traffic conditi。

5、他们可以坐公共汽车或轻轨,我们应该选择步行或骑自行车. They can take a bus or the light rail. SecondThe increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city, especially in the rush hour。


7、徒步或骑自行车为我们提供了一个机会,如果我们都选择绿色出行,我相信我们可以改善环境以及我们的交通条件,使我们更强壮和健康, we’d better not travel by car unless it’s necessary. Travelling on foot or by bike provide us with a chance to make us stronger and healthier。

8、在我看来,除非有必要. Third. In a word 。

9、 总之. They can even go by underground. These ways of travel can save energy and reduce air pollution ,应该鼓励人们选择公共交通。

10、他们甚至可以坐地铁去, we should choose to walk or ride a bicycle if we don’t go far away。

11、 所以我认为现在是时候推动目前绿色旅游. In my opinion。

