

更新时间:2024-05-07 19:04:48

导读 大家好,我是小环,我来为大家解答以上问题。speechless伴奏百度云,speechless伴奏很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、如果是弹...


1、如果是弹唱可以用和弦... <括号>为一个和弦: 1=C I can’t belive what you said to me <316(低音)> Last night when we were alone <27(低音)5(低音)> You threw your hands up <16(低音)4(低音)> Baby you gave up, you gave up <27(低音)5(低音)> I can’t believe how you looked at me <316(低音)> With your James Dean glossy eyes <27(低音)5(低音)> In your tight jeans with your long hair <16(低音)4(低音)> And your cigarette stained lies <27(低音)5(低音)> Could we fix you if you broke? <316(低音)> <27(低音)5(低音)> And is your punch line just a joke? <16(低音)4(低音)> <27(低音)5(低音)> I’ll never talk again <531> Oh boy you’ve left me speechless <316(低音)> You’ve left me speechless, so speechless <27(低音)5(低音)> <16(低音)4(低音)> 大概就是这几个和弦了 左手可以用对应的两个5度的音 不同段落的节奏可以有点变化.